6 easy veg




What Season

kale is traditionally a winter crop
Kale is usually a winter crop as the cold weather preserves the leaves and reduces the chance of mildew. Kale can be grown over summer in shady spots but the taste is a bit more bitter. Plant in spring for summer crops. Plant 3 months before the first frost for winter crops.
Plant in Well draining soil. Kale likes rich soil with lots of well rotted organic matter. Brassicas require lots of nutrients as they grow to be giants. Add manure to the bed before planting or a handful into the hole you’re planting into. If you don’t have anything to use as manure, organic plant food should do fine. Brassicas get fungal diseases when they are grown in the same area over and over.


Sow it were you grow it!
Kale’s an easy one to harvest, just pick the leaves when they get big enough. You want to leave at least 2 leaves on there to ensure it will come back.
  • Kale & Cabbage seeds are usually pretty resilient so you can how one per pot or one per seed cell Sow into a seed tray or in large modules/small pots. It’s best to grow brassicas indoors until they are large enough to deal with pests & disease. Once your seedlings reach about 3 cm tall or you see about 4 leaves on them they should be ready to plant out. (This should take roughly 6 weeks) If you’ve sowed them into pots they should be ready to plant out when you can see the roots poking out of the bottom.

Indycube Swansea | 2nd Floor 
11 Wind Street | SA1 1DP

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